Don't get overwhelmed and boost your mental well-being at work!
An offer for VUB & UZ Brussels staff
VUB Welfare Partners M&O, COCO & BRUCC are joining forces and devised an offer that can provide a preventive answer to frequently asked questions from VUB staff.
Browse through the themes and, during your lunch break, come and listen to a short lecture prepared by professionals.
Free for VUB & UZ Brussels staff, as a doctoral student or post-doc you are also welcome!
Always from 11:30 am till 1:00 pm on Tuesday on location at VUB Elsene or virtual streaming.
Lectures are mostly given in Dutch, sometimes in English.
Dutch lectures can be found on the Dutch version of this website.
Registration is necessary via the VUB LRN catalogue
If you have any questions or difficulties during registration, please contact us on bruccwelzijn@vub.be
Lectures 2024-2025
To be announced - Gender diversity and resilience
In this presentation Laura Lingenti (PHD) helps us understand and deal with gender diversity in society, in people around us and in ourselves.
“You’re born naked, and the rest is drag”, said RuPaul, highlighting how the hyperbolics and fluidity of drag expose the structures of the binary gender system we live in.
This presentation will explore the concepts of gender and resilience from a critical psychology perspective, drawing on the work of foundational theorists alongside recent insights in research.
The session will examine identity formation at the intersection between self and society, traditional psychological approaches to resilience, their connections to systems of power, and how to make resilience more applicable to those whose identities have been a target of research while at the same time being left out.
What you will learn
- Conceptualising modern binary gender systems
- Touching upon identity formation
- Connecting gender and resilience to systems of power
- Illuminating traditional and contemporary concepts of resilience in psychology
- Listening to the right voices and moving forward
Past lectures
15.10.24 - The science behind good sleep
The importance of sleep for our health and wellbeing cannot be stressed enough. In this short amount of time, Aurore Roland (PHD) will help you understand what a good night sleep looks like and how you may improve the quality of your sleep.
You will learn about sleep-wake mechanisms, about interpersonal differences in quality and need for sleep, about factors in our lives that may influence your sleep, such as stress, light and noise.
You will also learn about sleep hygiene. This includes steps you can take to improve the environmental conditions in which you sleep. This also includes all you can do to prepare your body and mind to going to sleep. Part of this is learning correct sleep-wake behaviour such as keeping a regular sleeping pattern and avoiding activities that may keep you awake.
This session is for you if you are interested in improving your quality of sleep.
27.02.24 - Cyberbullying: when the bully fits into your pocket
Prof. Dr. Martijn Van Heel discussed cyberbullying with attention to the differences and similarities with offline bullying. Cyberbullying is prevalent throughout society and impacts an individual’s need for belongingness. The impact of cyberbullying on mental health will be discussed with a focus on the formative years of adolescence.
In this short lecture, we've learned what cyberbullying looks like, what the mechanism behind cyberbullying is, and what impact this has on the mental health of children and adolescents.
Are you a parent? Then this lecture may be of even more interest to you!
View this lecture here below.